Learn More About the Loan Program
Make your home more energy-efficient and comfortable with the Greener Homes Loan Program! For a limited time, you can access up to $40,000 in interest-free loans for new windows and doors that meet eligibility criteria.

Why Choose GEM for Your Home Upgrade?
GEM Windows and Doors, Toronto's oldest and most trusted provider since 1961, offers premium-quality windows and doors that qualify for the Greener Homes Loan Program. Our team is here to guide you through the process of upgrading your home.
Benefits of Choosing GEM
Premium quality, energy-efficient products
Expert installation by skilled professionals
Enhanced home comfort and aesthetics
Potential for significant energy savings
How It Works
Follow these easy Steps to get started.
Schedule a home energy consultation with a licensed Registered Energy Advisor.
Your Energy Advisor will provide a custom report with recommended product replacements.
Secure up to $40,000 10-year interest-free loan for your home.

Canada Greener Homes Loan
Don't miss this opportunity to transform your home! The Greener Homes Loan Program is available for a limited time, offering up to $40,000 in 10-year interest-free loans.
​At GEM, we provide exceptional energy-efficient windows and doors. Learn how to qualify for the application process, ensuring you have all the information and documentation to make your home upgrade seamless.

Take the Next Step to Access the Greener Homes Loan
Call GEM today at 416-533-4331 to learn more about our premium products and how you can use the Greener Homes Loan to invest in energy-efficient windows and doors. Learn how you can apply to upgrade your home while taking advantage of this fantastic program.
Visit our website at gemwindows.com or our innovative showroom to explore our wide selection of energy-efficient doors and windows.
Upgrade your home's windows and doors with GEM. Let's make your home more comfortable, efficient, and valuable together!